Please enjoy your stay

Pilatus in Lucerne Switzerland

Mt Pilatus is a beautiful landmark in Lucerne. Thankfully unspoiled by commercial interests

Contact at: martinic
at the following domain (bigpond . com)
(Please note I am not on facebook)

All documents and images
© C. Martinic, 2001-2022 except where indicated
Last Revised: [ 1 February 2022 ]

Filming in Tibet


At the Famous Potala Palace Tibet

Tibet was an incredible experience; the people, the culture, the sheer physical challenge of being there is unquestionably a landmark experience


Xi'an's Famous Terracotta Warriors

China's Five Thousand Year Old Culture

This is the personal information page of Dr Chris Martinic, Chartered Professional Engineer and graduate of Sydney University and the University of New South Wales Australia

Yesfanz in Sydney
Progressive musicians and music lovers (Chris rear left)

Latest News and On-Line Magazines

[Professional News]

[Personal/Travel News]

[Music-Related News]

2020: New CD of original music 'Infinitum' Completed: Released 3rd August 2020

2019: China's Xi'an Hua Shan and National Week in Beijing: The adventure of the most dangerous moutain walks in the world against a new militaristic China

2019: Back to Berlin Professional Visit: The history of Berlin's Communist Past

2018: Athens, Rome and China: The Greek Islands, travels and adventure

2018: Visit to Switzerland Schaffhausen and Tagerwielen: Professional visits

2017: Travels through Japan's Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hiroshima: Yunnan minorities in Southern China

2016: Travels through China's Zhang Jia Jie: Yunnan minorities in Southern China

2016: 40th Anniversary Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering: At the University of NSW

2015: Travels to Berlin and Taiwan: Alishan Mountains in Taiwan

2014: New CD of original music release: The 'Obsession' album released

2014: Spring Festival in China Local activities in Beijing and a host of other activities

2013: Travels through Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand including arriving for the King's birthday in Bangkok

2012: Travels through Shangrilah Mountains in SW China including Lijiang and Kunming. Further travels from Beijing to Nanjing in the south

2011: Performing original music with Unitopia and the Roxbury. Chris performs original music at the Unitopia gig with the Chris Martinic Band. Also appearing were Mike Mills (Toehider) and Polyminor

2010: The Passing of a friend and Inspiration, Mr Rory J Thomas OAM. My good friend Rory J Thomas, world class educator, performer and composer passed away

2010: Release of Chris' 10th original CD "Sunflower". Reviewed favourably by Harmonie Progressive Music Magazine of France

2010: Return to Germany and Switzerland. In the Autumn, a good trip with my colleagues in Tuttlingen and Schaffhausen

2010: Vietnam 2000 km backpacking Saigon to Hanoi to Halong Bay

2010: Dinner with Mr Karl Christian Storz and the Australian operation. At Darling Harbour Sydney

2009: Tibet, Huangshan, Shanghai, Beijing: Travelling through the wonderful countryside of China with my wife Kui

2009: Chris (open division) and Adam Martinic (U16 division) win 1st places in respective contests. Xing Tao Chinese language competition Sydney. Chris' 2nd gold medal

2009: Germany and Switzerland with Karl Storz HQ in Tuttlingen south Germany travelling north as far as Keil. Schaffhausen/Zurich Switzerland

2009: Back in Australia: Back from China. Chris accepts position with Karl Storz Australia as National Service Manager

2008: Tianjin, TEDA, Beijing, Shanghai, Tangu, South China, Hong Kong, Macau and too many places to name!

2008: Wonderful colleagues, friends and students from TEDA: My gratitude and love to my friends and colleagues in China

January 2008: Dr Chris Martinic accepts teaching position at Tianjin near Beijing PRC at the TEDA International School TianJin campus and working with Medtronic AVE in Beijing

December-January 2008
Dr Chris Martinic in Guang Zhou's Ji Nan University
Visit to on behalf of the education committee for the CCCA

[Older Professional News]
[Older Personal/Chinese News]
[Older Music-Related News]